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My choice is basically between becoming a doctor and become a pharmacist.Unless there are

other secure,well paying jobs you know of .I really had to search deeply to answer this question for myself.

My material and personal goals are as follows

1. A small descent house in a nice neighborhood.

2. A car:l don't care about getting a BMW and MERCEDES ,I'd rather get a TOYOTA

considering the fact that after 20th days owing either TOYOTA or BMW ,l‘d feel the same.

Financial security: money in-the-bank well-paying secure job, being able to retire safely, etc. Satisfying personal life with family and friends.

Decent job that dose not interfere with your personal life.

I'm really not that materialistic,l don't want mansion jewels S 1000 cloths ,etc

I'm not a big spender,but I like investing money and knowing that l have money when the need arises

If I go to 4 yr B -pharm programs :

I'll graduate by the time I'm 22

I'll have a life and l won't be dead on the inside

The B-pharm program will be difficult but I'll make it through

I'll be entering in a pharmacy while in pharmacy school ,making 1.4o lakhs/yr,etc

I'll most probably have achieved the aforementioned goals by the time I am 28 (correct me if I m wrong)

Life shouldn't be too difficult and I think I can count on not loosing my job

If! go to Hopkins and attemots to become a doctor :
~ Will become a doctor when I m 30-34 (depending on a specialty)

Dead on inside

EXTREMELY difficult to get into med school,painful residency,don‘t know

If I can make it through

If I m lucky ,l'll make 5 lakhs/yr and be able to pay of my debt and achieve aforementioned goals

Work / personal life balance will be horrible : wont't be able to pay attention to kids/wife/ etc

Will have to put my personal life behind and probably won't have kids until my late 30s



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