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 Benefits of Allopathy :

Allopathic medicine excels when treating acute and life-threatening illness and injuries. Modern medical imaging technologies, surgical procedures, and doctors diagnose and treat us when we are very ill and injured. Many lives have been saved, and quality of life returned, thanks to highly skilled doctors and modern medical technologies.

Doctors are highly trained in the modern medical system. They have the ability to diagnose problems in the body and use advanced technologies for health care. This can be very helpful, whether or not you choose to avail yourself of conventional treatment.

Patients have rights and protection under the law. Doctors and medical facilities are held to standards deSigned to protect the patient.

Research, including research into alternative therapies, is continually being conducted and . technologies are being improved for the benefit of patients. Treatments have to pass rigorous testing before being used on patients.

Pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics save many lives and help people manage pain and illness in the long and short term.

Drawbacks of Allopathic Medicine

Holistic practitioners believe that treating parts instead of people is a flawed approach (again, not talking about the broken leg here). One part of the body may be calling for attention at the moment, but chances are, the problem is not occurring in isolation.

Doctors are often over-scheduled and get very little time with patients. It's easy to misdiagnose or give inappropriate treatment. Patients may be sent to a myriad of specialists and testing facilities. All this takes a lot of time and money. Each specialist views the problem from his own perspective, so it's
easy to miss the whole picture.

Doctors receive little, if any, education regarding nutrition and healthy living. They may suggest diet and exercise, but the patient gets no details either because of lack of time or expertise. This is all many people need to facilitate wellness, with or without other medical intervention. And since many patients would rather just 'pop a pill', this compounds the problem.

Insurance companies do not reimburse medical facilities for providing prevention or lifestyle support to patient seven though the cost is much less than drugs and surgeries. Eventually because of funding, facilities are forced to end these programs. This is a difficult situation for health care providers that needs changing.

Since we live in a society that stresses doctor responsibility for patients instead of self-responsibility, doctors are in a difficult position. They refer patients for too many tests and procedures to protect themselves from lawsuits at greatly increasing costs. And who can blame them?

Drugs or surgery are often the primary treatments for a health condition when using a110pathic medicine. Since drugs don‘t usually cure, but suppress and change the way the body functions, this covers up the condition instead of curing it. Sometimes this may be helpful (like with severe pain), but little or nothing may be done to improve the actual condition. Patients who would be good candidates for alternative therapy aren't given that opportunity.

Drugs, surgery, hospitalizations and other medical procedures can cause adverse reactions, including death. Serious infections are a major risk when someone is hospitalized. Properly prescribed medications kill over 100,000 people in the US. alone. Another hundred thousand die from accidental overdose or prescribing errors.

Pharmaceutical research is sometimes flawed and often slow. Money is a big driver. This means that ineffective or dangerous drugs some times make it to market and stay too long after people suffer or die from them. It also means that people some times can' t take advantage of promising new treatments soon enough or at all if for whatever reason they don' t get approved.

Both have their own benefits and negatives. It is true that Ayurveda is old but it cannot only prevent but can also cure. That is different part that much of the people are not aware of its right use. Secondly the effect of Ayurveda is slow and takes time but it has no side effects. 0n the other side for a quick relaxation Allopathy is the right choice, but then it involves side effects also. In many cases where Allopathic doctors give up Ayurveda is able to heal people well and that too without operation.


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