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out of everyl person one is sure to speak about "Go Veggees.........

Some other group might speak of "Abandon killing animals & bricks" for the sake of just having "Ah! how dale ...... ...." One bright mom, when I was just on a morning walk, I seriously thought about it. Some serious but true points come to my mind.

Yes, what our enviornmentalist or our animal lovers are saying is very true. If at all we kill a bird for our lavish meal, we are doing such a sin. That particular bird might have layed so many chicks, then so many chicks would have grown into hens 8: cocks. And finally again so many eggs and so ooon ...... There would have been so manybirds.

Similar would have been in the case of animals such goats, lambs, etc. There would have been so many animals grazing all around.

Did any one think that if the consumption of birds, iishes, crabs, other animals are stopped then our earth will be over loaded with there animals ?

Will they get enough fodder or food ?

Will they get enough water and shelter ?

0r finally will they survive.

What the hell will happen on earth ?

It should also be noted that today not only food but also eateries in bakeries 8: confectioneries also contain animal products. So many of our drugs and medicines also contains the extract from animals. Our toiletries & cosmetics are also manufactured by using similar products.

Ishould also remembered that during "Poojas" or other rituals and ceremonies we offer milk, curd, ghee, sweets etc. made from milk to God. If at all God himself receives such offerings then why humans fight among themselves for petty issues. There are so many food items which are offered as ”Prasad" for example "Laddu", which is made out of Ghee, Besan and Sugar. Here again Pure Ghee is an animal product and besan and sugar obtained from Chana Dal and Sugar Cane. Are they not wasting the products like milk, pulses and sugar cane. If at all those Pulses and sugar cane were to be sown again, so many plants them seeds them plants again Would have grown.

Are we not killing those seeds 8: plants? Milk & milk products should be consumed positively every day to keep ourselves fit. Without which are life is incomplete. Milk is compulsory prescription for each and every person and so are the milk products Ghee, Butter, Cheese, Laser, Sweets, Custard, ther, Khadi, Basunti, Shrikhand, and so on
But did any one ever thought that it cow's milk, buffalo's milk, goat's milk is meant for us? Cows, Buffalo's and goats milk is not for us. It is for their babies, yes their elves.

luspite of feeding those calves, human brings are consuming there milk for their lovish tongue. At a very early age of 3 to 7 days, the elves are left hungry, devoid of their mother’s milk. And those milk are used by humans to satisfy their own selves. People are making huge money with it. They are opening huge industries by just pushing the hormonal injections and increasing the lactation period of those animals.

“Just an Inhuman Act“

Similarly, when we eat vegetable aren't we killing them. Aren't we not uprooting & cutting them. When we eat a tomato for eg., it contains so many seed which we destroy. If at all those seeds were sown, so many plants would have grown. Those plants would have given us so many tomatoes.’lhenfrom those tomatoes ....... again tomatoes...

So will be the case with all vegetables, may it be com or cauliflower, potato or pumpkin. grains or pulses, chilly or cereals and raddish or cucumber. Again if we take the case of fruits. A watermelon have so many seeds, huskmelons, apples, guavas, mango, pears, time, orange ...... Are their seeds not wasting out. Have any one thought about it ?

If at all their seed were sown, we would have got so much ..... so much ..... so much vegetable 8t fruits. Is it not true that we have had such a plenty of treasure on our Earth ? Would there had been starvation on Earth? Would there had been malnutrition, poverty, price rice, unsatisfaction, malpractice due to more and discipline, etc.

Those people who are against the killing of animals for food purpose, will they give off milk and milk products ? Can they satisfy what they are souvoring with great taste and satisfaction ? Can they now justify who is wrong & who is wrong. 

Dear Friends,

That is what "Ecology " is not all but I guess some who ought to have studied “Evolution & Ecology", will also remember the "Food Chain", "Food Pyramid" and ”Environmental Ecology" .They all state that ecology in environment is such a beautiful scheme "Our Almighty" has created, that Our Earths environment remains balanced. Every insects here is fed and every tiny creature remains, satisfied in its beautiful home with all their needful & comfort, unless and untill theyare targeted to be destroyed.

We say it is all in God's hand. Yes, its very true , forest for, volcanoes, earth quacks, cyclones, tides, etc. they are not created by humans. They are created by the disturbances on earth due to geOgraphical factors. They too are responsible for the destruction of many plants and animals, Then whyblame only humans for consumption of animals as food,

Therefore every person should try their level best to save our environment so that the ecological balance is created and saved. Let us walk hand in hand to save our Earth and makes more beautiful.

Eat Good ...... Eat Fresh.... Eat Nutritional And Be Happy


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