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Synonyms: lsapgol, lsabgol,

The origin of the word lsapgol lies in the Persian word lSAP which means the horse and Ghol means the ear. Thus, the literal meaning of word isapgol is the ear of the horse. The seeds, as well as, husk of the seeds, are used in medicine since 18th century. About 10 Species of the drugs are available in India. Seeds are very small in size. A thousand seeds weigh about 1.5 g. lsapgol has high export potential value.

Biological Source:
lsapgol consists of dried seeds of the plant known as Plantago ovate Forskal, (Family: Plantaginaceae). in the pharmaceutical field, seeds, as well as the dried seed coats, known As lsapgol husk, are used.

Geographical Distribution:

The plant is cultivated largely in Gujarat, Punjab and South Rajasthan. The factory for preparation of husk is located at Sidhpur in North Gujarat. in Maharashtra, it is found to be grown  successfully near Pune. About 30 thousand hectares of area is said to be under cultivation for the drug in India.

Uses :
Seeds, as well as, the husk are used as demulcent, laxative, emollient and in the treatment of chronic constipation, amoebic and bacillary dysentery. lsapgol preparations are used to assist the product of smooth solid fecal mass. lsapgol husk is preferred to the seeds as the husk contains more mucilage and seeds are said to be irritant as compared to the husk. Mucilage of the isapgol is used in the preparation of tablets and also as a stabilizer in the ice-cream industry. The crushed seeds are, many a times, used in the form of poultice for rheumatic pains. Gujarat Drugs and Chemicals Ltd. is engaged in manufacturing of isapgol formulations at Mehsana.


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